"The kids on the street used to love me until I started using. Then they started calling me Frankenstein, and ran and screamed every time they saw me leave the house. No fucking joke. I was like the devil. I would stay up for days and just stare at myself in the mirror. Kurt Cobain once did this, and he used to hypnotize himself. And that's how I became the devil." "Do you still think of yourself as the devil, Zeek?" "No, man. That would be so conceited. I'm more like the devil's pet hamster now. I'm pretty much a huge loser. I have no friends, I have no money. Everyone just wants to fight me - usually just jocks. I hate to beat the crap out of them and I always cry after I win all these fights. I had a gun pointed at me, it was right at gunpoint, and I said please. He said give me your wallet. And I said I have literally nothing. And he just told me to be a man, and that everyone has a wallet. He told me to empty my pockets, and I tried, but the only pair of pants I have left has no pockets, they had holes and they just kept getting bigger and now I have no pockets." "Where are you living now, Zeek?" Zeek looked at the clock and counted ten seconds under his breath, and looked at Freddy. "I'm living in fucking hell. That's where I'm living. I sleep in the sewers and in the caves. I literally don't have anything in life. No family, no money. I tried to buy a rope to hang myself and every store just told me to leave and never come back. I'm like a fucking ghost." "Well, the good news is that you're sober." "I don't think I am sober. I've been up for days even though I haven't touched any meth or coke or speed or anything." "Are you sure you haven't had any?" "Yes. I'm positive." "Well, it could just be your body having a reaction or withdrawal." "I dunno. Who cares. I'm just fucking broken." "No you're not. We all felt that way. You have so many talents. You used to love entertaining people, and you still can. But you need to prepare yourself for a future of love and forgiveness rather than waiting for your book to end. You are the author of your life, don't you know that?" "I never thought about it that way. But what if I'm a terrible writer?" "Your music is proof that you are a great writer." "My music was written by men I never met. I was an industry plant. They just liked my headshot. I was lied to completely. And nobody wants to tell my story because, well, I'm just - who would want to?"